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Asynchronous Handler

RunPod supports the use of asynchronous handlers, enabling efficient handling of tasks that benefit from non-blocking operations. This feature is particularly useful for tasks like processing large datasets, interacting with APIs, or handling I/O-bound operations.

Writing asynchronous Handlers

Asynchronous handlers in RunPod are written using Python's async and await syntax. Below is a sample implementation of an asynchronous generator handler. This example demonstrates how you can yield multiple outputs over time, simulating tasks such as processing data streams or generating responses incrementally.

import runpod
import asyncio
async def async_generator_handler(job):
for i in range(5):
# Generate an asynchronous output token
output = f"Generated async token output {i}"
yield output
# Simulate an asynchronous task, such as processing time for a large language model
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Configure and start the RunPod serverless function
"handler": async_generator_handler, # Required: Specify the async handler
"return_aggregate_stream": True, # Optional: Aggregate results are accessible via /run endpoint

Benefits of asynchronous Handlers

  • Efficiency: Asynchronous handlers can perform non-blocking operations, allowing for more tasks to be handled concurrently.
  • Scalability: They are ideal for scaling applications, particularly when dealing with high-frequency requests or large-scale data processing.
  • Flexibility: Async handlers provide the flexibility to yield results over time, suitable for streaming data and long-running tasks.

Best practices

When writing asynchronous handlers:

  • Ensure proper use of async and await to avoid blocking operations.
  • Consider the use of yield for generating multiple outputs over time.
  • Test your handlers thoroughly to handle asynchronous exceptions and edge cases.

Using asynchronous handlers in your RunPod applications can significantly enhance performance and responsiveness, particularly for applications requiring real-time data processing or handling multiple requests simultaneously.