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Instant Clusters

Instant Clusters enables high-performance computing across multiple machines with high-speed networking capabilities.

Key characteristics:

  • Fast local networking with bandwidths from 100 Gbps to 3200 Gbps within a single data center
  • Static IP assignment for each pod in the cluster
  • Environment variables set automatically for coordination between nodes

Deploy your first Instant Cluster

This guide explains how to use Instant Clusters to support larger workloads.

Each pod receives a static IP on the overlay network. The system designates one machine as the primary node by setting PRIMARY_IP and CLUSTER_IP environment variables. This primary designation simplifies working with multiprocessing libraries that require a primary node.

Environment variables

The following environment variables are available in all pods:

Environment VariableDescription
PRIMARY_ADDR / MASTER_ADDRThe address of the primary pod
PRIMARY_PORT / MASTER_PORTThe port of the primary pod (all ports are available)
NODE_ADDRThe static IP of this pod within the cluster network
NODE_RANKThe cluster rank assigned to this pod (set to 0 for primary)
NUM_NODESNumber of pods in the cluster
NUM_TRAINERSNumber of GPUs per pod

The variables MASTER_ADDR/PRIMARY_ADDR and MASTER_PORT/PRIMARY_PORT are equivalent. The MASTER_* variables provide compatibility with tools that expect these legacy names.

Network interfaces

High-bandwidth interfaces (eth1, eth2, etc.) handle inter-node communication, while the management interface (eth0) manages external traffic. The NCCL environment variable NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME uses all available interfaces by default. The PRIMARY_ADDR corresponds to eth1 to enable launching and bootstrapping distributed processes.

Example PyTorch implementation

torchrun \
--nproc_per_node=$NUM_TRAINERS \
--nnodes=$NUM_NODES \
--node_rank=$NODE_RANK \
--master_addr=$MASTER_ADDR \
--master_port=$MASTER_PORT \

All accounts have a default spending limit. To launch a larger cluster, submit a support ticket at


Instant Clusters benefit these use cases:

Deep Learning & AI

  • Training Large Neural Networks: Speed up deep learning by distributing data across GPUs for faster convergence
  • Federated Learning: Train models across distributed systems while maintaining data privacy

High-Performance Computing (HPC)

  • Scientific Simulations: Run weather forecasting, molecular dynamics, and climate modeling with multi-GPU acceleration
  • Astrophysics & Space Exploration: Simulate galaxy formations, detect gravitational waves, and model space weather
  • Fluid Dynamics & Engineering: Perform computational fluid dynamics in aerospace, automotive, and energy sectors

Gaming & Graphics Rendering

  • Ray Tracing & Real-Time Rendering: Create ultra-realistic graphics for gaming, VR, and movie CGI
  • Game Development & Testing: Render game environments, test AI-driven behaviors, and generate procedural content
  • Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality: Deliver real-time multi-view rendering for immersive experiences

Large-Scale Data Analytics

  • Big Data Processing: Accelerate data processing in AI-driven analytics and recommendation systems
  • Social Media Analysis: Detect real-time trends, analyze sentiment, and identify misinformation

You can review your spending in the Clusters tab in the billing section.