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Manage Pod Templates

Explore Templates

You can explore Templates managed by RunPod and Community Templates in the Explore section of the Web interface.

You can explore Templates managed by you or your team in the Templates section of the Web interface.

Learn to create your own Template in the following section.

Creating a Template

Templates are used to launch images as a Pod: within a template, you define the required container disk size, volume, volume path, and ports needed.

Web interface


You can also create or modify a template using the RunPod API.

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "mutation { saveTemplate(input: { containerDiskInGb: 5, dockerArgs: \"sleep infinity\", env: [ { key: \"key1\", value: \"value1\" }, { key: \"key2\", value: \"value2\" } ], imageName: \"ubuntu:latest\", name: \"Generated Template\", ports: \"8888/http,22/tcp\", readme: \"## Hello, World!\", volumeInGb: 15, volumeMountPath: \"/workspace\" }) { containerDiskInGb dockerArgs env { key value } id imageName name ports readme volumeInGb volumeMountPath } }"}'

Environment variables

Environment variables in RunPod templates are key-value pairs that are accessible within your pod. Define a variable by setting a name with the key and then what it should contain with the value.

Use environment variables to pass configuration settings and secrets to your container. For example, environment variables can store the path to a database or API keys used by your application.

RunPod also provides a set of predefined environment variables that provide information about the pod, such as the unique identifier for your pod (RUNPOD_POD_ID), the API key used to make RunPod API calls to the specific pod (RUNPOD_API_KEY), the name of the host server the pod is running on (RUNPOD_POD_HOSTNAME), and more.

You can references Secrets in your Pod templates.