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RunPod provides a simple way to run large language models (LLMs) as Serverless Endpoints. vLLM Workers are pre-built Docker images that you can configure entirely within the RunPod UI. This tutorial will guide you through deploying an OpenAI compatible Endpoint with a vLLM inference engine on RunPod.


Before getting started, ensure you have the following:

  • A RunPod account
  • A Hugging Face token (if using gated models)
  • OpenAI or other required libraries installed for the code examples

Deploy using the Web UI

You can use RunPod's Web UI to deploy a vLLM Worker with a model directly from Hugging Face.

  1. Log in to your RunPod account and go to the Serverless page.
  2. Under Quick Deploy, find Serverless vLLM and choose Start.

You will now enter the vLLM module. Follow the on-screen instructions to add your LLM as a Serverless Endpoint:

  1. Select a vLLM version.
  2. Add a Hugging Face model (e.g., openchat/openchat-3.5-0106).
  3. (Optional) Add a Hugging Face token for gated models.
  4. Review your options and choose Next.

On the vLLM parameters page, provide additional parameters and options for your model:

  1. In LLM Settings, enter 8192 for the Max Model Length parameter.
  2. Review your options and choose Next.

On the Endpoint parameters page, configure your deployment:

  1. Specify your GPU configuration for your Worker.
  2. Configure your Worker deployment.
  • Verify the Container Image uses your desired CUDA version.
  • Update the Container Disk size if needed.
  1. Select Deploy.

Once the Endpoint initializes, you can send requests to your Endpoint. Continue to the Send a request section.

Deploy using the Worker image

One advantage of deploying your model with the vLLM Worker is the minimal configuration required. For most models, you only need to provide the pre-built vLLM Worker image name and the LLM model name.

Follow these steps to run the vLLM Worker on a Serverless Endpoint:

  1. Log in to the RunPod Serverless console.
  2. Select + New Endpoint.
  3. Provide the following:
    • Endpoint name
    • Select a GPU (filter for CUDA 12.1.0+ support under the Advanced tab if needed)
    • Configure the number of Workers
    • (Optional) Select FlashBoot to speed up Worker startup times
    • Enter the vLLM RunPod Worker image name with the compatible CUDA version:
      • runpod/worker-vllm:stable-cuda11.8.0
      • runpod/worker-v1-vllm:stable-cuda12.1.0
    • (Optional) Select a network storage volume
    • Configure the environment variables:
      • MODEL_NAME: (Required) The large language model (e.g., openchat/openchat-3.5-0106)
      • HF_TOKEN: (Optional) Your Hugging Face API token for private models
  4. Select Deploy.

Once the Endpoint initializes, you can send requests to your Endpoint. Continue to the Send a request section.

For a complete list of available environment variables, see the vLLM Worker variables.

Send a request

This section walks you through sending a request to your Serverless Endpoint. The vLLM Worker can use any Hugging Face model and is compatible with OpenAI's API. If you have the OpenAI library installed, you can continue using it with the vLLM Worker. See the OpenAI documentation for more information.

Environment setup

Set the RUNPOD_ENDPOINT_ID and RUNPOD_API_KEY environment variables with your Endpoint ID and API Key.


Code implementation

Using Runpod API

RunPod API provides an efficient way to interact with vllm endpoint by sending requests with either a prompt or a list of messages. The API applies chat templates automatically to messages, allowing seamless interaction.

API Endpoints

Synchronous Request


Asynchronous Request


Request Parameters

Main Input Parameters

Click to expand
promptstrNoneThe input string for text generation.
messageslist[dict[str, str]]NoneA list of messages with roles (system, user, assistant). Overrides prompt.
apply_chat_templateboolFalseWhether to apply the model's chat template to the prompt.
sampling_paramsdict{}Sampling parameters to control generation (see below).
streamboolFalseWhether to enable streaming of the output.
max_batch_sizeintenv var DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZEThe maximum number of tokens to stream every HTTP POST call.
min_batch_sizeintenv var DEFAULT_MIN_BATCH_SIZEThe minimum number of tokens to stream every HTTP POST call.
batch_size_growth_factorintenv var DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE_GROWTH_FACTORThe growth factor by which min_batch_size will be multiplied for each call until max_batch_size is reached.

Sampling Parameters

Below are all available sampling parameters that you can specify in the sampling_params dictionary. If you do not specify any of these parameters, the default values will be used.

Click to expand
nint1Number of output sequences generated.
best_ofOptional[int]nNumber of sequences generated before selecting the best n.
presence_penaltyfloat0.0Penalizes tokens based on their presence.
frequency_penaltyfloat0.0Penalizes tokens based on frequency.
repetition_penaltyfloat1.0Penalizes tokens based on repetition.
temperaturefloat1.0Controls randomness; lower values make it deterministic.
top_pfloat1.0Limits probability mass of top tokens.
top_kint-1Limits number of top tokens considered.
min_pfloat0.0Minimum probability relative to most likely token.
use_beam_searchboolFalseEnables beam search.
length_penaltyfloat1.0Penalizes sequences based on length.
early_stoppingUnion[bool, str]FalseControls stopping conditions.
stopUnion[None, str, List[str]]NoneStop generation on specified strings.
stop_token_idsOptional[List[int]]NoneStop generation on specified token IDs.
ignore_eosboolFalseIgnore End-Of-Sequence token.
max_tokensint16Maximum tokens generated.
skip_special_tokensboolTrueWhether to skip special tokens in the output.
spaces_between_special_tokensboolTrueWhether to add spaces between special tokens.

Text Input Formats

Using prompt

The prompt string can be any string, and the model's chat template will not be applied to it unless apply_chat_template is set to true, in which case it will be treated as a user message.

"prompt": "Translate the following text to French: 'Hello, how are you?'"

Using messages

Your list can contain any number of messages, and each message usually can have any role from the following list:

  • user
  • assistant
  • system However, some models may have different roles, so you should check the model's chat template to see which roles are required. The model's chat template will be applied to the messages automatically, so the model must have one.
"messages": [
{ "role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant." },
{ "role": "user", "content": "Tell me a joke." }

Sample API Requests

Python Example

import requests

url = "<endpoint_id>/run"
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY", "Content-Type": "application/json"}

data = {"input": {
"messages": [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": "Write a short poem."}
"sampling_params": {"temperature": 0.7, "max_tokens": 100}

response =, headers=headers, json=data)

cURL Example

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"input":
"prompt": "Write a haiku about nature.",
"sampling_params": {"temperature": 0.8, "max_tokens": 50}


If you encounter issues deploying or using vLLM Workers, check the following:

  • Ensure your RunPod API Key has the necessary permissions to deploy and access Serverless Endpoints.
  • Double-check that you have set the correct environment variables for your Endpoint ID and API Key.
  • Verify that you are using the correct CUDA version for your selected GPU.
  • If using a gated model, ensure your Hugging Face token is valid and has access to the model.

To learn more about managing your Serverless Endpoints, see the Manage Endpoints guide. For a complete reference of the vLLM Worker environment variables, see the vLLM Worker variables documentation.