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RunPod provides a simple way to run large language models (LLMs) as a Serverless Endpoint. vLLM Workers are pre-built Docker images that you can configure entirely within the RunPod UI.

You will learn to deploy an OpenAI compatible Endpoint with vLLM inference engine on RunPod.

Deploy the vLLM Endpoint

One of the advantages of deploying your model with the vLLM Worker is that you can deploy your model with minimal configuration. You don't need to write the logic to download your image, bundle it, and push it to a Docker registry. For most models, you just need to pass in the prebuilt vLLM Worker image name and the LLM model name, and the vLLM Worker takes care of the rest.

This step walks you through running the vLLM Worker on a Serverless Endpoint deploying to RunPod.

  1. Log in to the RunPod Serverless console.
  2. Select + New Endpoint.
  3. Provide the following:
    1. Endpoint name.
    2. Select a GPU.
    3. Configure the number of Workers.
    4. (optional) Select FlashBoot.
    5. Enter the vLLM RunPod Worker image name, which provides the compatible CUDA version:
      • runpod/worker-vllm:stable-cuda11.8.0
      • runpod/worker-vllm:stable-cuda12.1.0
    6. (optional) Select a network storage volume.
    7. Configure the environment variables:
      1. MODEL_NAME: (required) the large language model.
        1. For example: openchat/openchat-3.5-0106.
      2. HF_TOKEN: (optional) your Hugging Face API token for private models.
  4. Select Deploy.

Once the Endpoint initializes, you can send a request to your Endpoint.


To use CUDA version 12.1.0 or greater, filter for GPUs that support that version of CUDA by selecting the versions under the Advanced tab.

For a complete list of available environment variables, see the vLLM Worker variables.

You've successfully deployed your vLLM Worker as Serverless Endpoint. You can start making requests to this Endpoint using the compatible OpenAI inputs.

Send a request

This step walks you through sending a request to your Serverless Endpoint. The vLLM Worker can use any Hugging Face model and is compatible with OpenAI's API. If you have the OpenAI library installed, you can continue using it with the vLLM Worker; or see the OpenAI documentation for more information.

For this example, use the openchat/openchat-3.5-0106 model.

Initialize your project

Choose your programming language and add the following code to your file.

Provide Endpoint ID and API Key as environment variables.

Create a file called in on your machine with the following code:

from openai import OpenAI
import os
# The environment variable 'YOUR_ENDPOINT_ID' could be:
# ''
endpoint_id = os.environ.get("RUNPOD_ENDPOINT_ID")
client = OpenAI(
base_url = f"{endpoint_id}/openai/v1",
chat_completion =
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Reply with: Hello, World!"}]

Run your code

Now run your code from the terminal:


The output is as follows:

"choices": [
"finish_reason": "stop",
"index": 0,
"message": {
"content": "Hello, World!",
"role": "assistant"
"created": 3175963,
"id": "cmpl-74d7792c92cd4b159292c38bda1286b0",
"model": "openchat/openchat-3.5-0106",
"object": "chat.completion",
"usage": {
"completion_tokens": 5,
"prompt_tokens": 39,
"total_tokens": 44

You've successfully sent a request to your Serverless Endpoint and received a response.