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Persist data outside of containers

In the previous step, you created a Dockerfile and executed a command. Now, you'll learn how to persist data outside of containers.


This walk through teach you how to persist data outside of container. RunPod has the same concept used for attaching a Network Volume to your Pod.

Consult the documentation on attaching a Network Volume to your Pod.

Why persist data outside of a container?

The key goal is to have data persist across multiple container runs and removals.

By default, containers are ephemeral - everything inside them disappears when they exit.

So running something like:

docker run busybox date > file.txt

Would only write the date to file.txt temporarily inside that container. As soon as the container shuts down, that file and data is destroyed. This isn't great when you're training data and want your information to persist past your LLM training.

Because of this, we need to persist data outside of the container. Let's take a look at a workflow you can use to persist data outside of a container.

Create a named volume

First, we'll create a named volume to represent the external storage:

docker volume create date-volume

Update Dockerfile

Next, we'll modify our Dockerfile to write the date output to a file rather than printing directly to stdout:

FROM busybox
RUN touch current_date.txt
RUN chmod +x /

This sets the working directory to /data, touches a file called current_date.txt, and copies our script.

Update entrypoint script

The script is updated:

date > /data/current_date.txt

This will write the date to the /data/current_date.txt file instead of printing it.

Mount the volume

Now when the container runs, this will write the date to the /data/current_date.txt file instead of printing it.

Finally, we can mount the named volume to this data directory:

docker run -v date-volume:/data my-image

This runs a container from my-image and mounts the date-volume Docker volume to the /data directory in the container. Anything written to /data inside the container will now be written to the date-volume on the host instead of the container's ephemeral filesystem. This allows the data to persist. Once the container exits, the date output file is safely stored on the host volume.

After the container exits, we can exec into another container sharing the volume to see the persisted data file:

docker run --rm -v date-volume:/data busybox cat /data/current_date.txt

This runs a new busybox container and also mounts the date-volume.

  • Using the same -v date-volume:/data mount point maps the external volume dir to /data again.
  • This allows the new container to access the persistent date file that the first container wrote.
  • The cat /data/current_date.txt command prints out the file with the date output from the first container.
  • The --rmflag removes the container after running so we don't accumulate stopped containers.

Remember, this is a general tutorial on Docker. These concepts will help give you a better understanding on working with RunPod.