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Get started with setting up your RunPod projects using JavaScript. Whether you're building web applications, server-side implementations, or automating tasks, the RunPod JavaScript SDK provides the tools you need. This guide outlines the steps to get your development environment ready and integrate RunPod into your JavaScript projects.

Install the RunPod SDK

Before integrating RunPod into your project, you'll need to install the SDK. Using Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) simplifies this process. Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system before proceeding.

To install the RunPod SDK, run the following npm command in your project directory.

npm install --save runpod-sdk
# or
yarn add runpod-sdk

This command installs the runpod-sdk package and adds it to your project's package.json dependencies. For more details about the package, visit the npm package page or the GitHub repository.

Add your API key

To use the RunPod SDK in your project, you first need to import it and configure it with your API key and endpoint ID. Ensure these values are securely stored, preferably as environment variables.

Below is a basic example of how to initialize and use the RunPod SDK in your JavaScript project.

const { RUNPOD_API_KEY, ENDPOINT_ID } = process.env;
import runpodSdk from "runpod-sdk";

const runpod = runpodSdk(RUNPOD_API_KEY);
const endpoint = runpod.endpoint(ENDPOINT_ID);

This snippet demonstrates how to import the SDK, initialize it with your API key, and reference a specific endpoint using its ID. Remember, the RunPod SDK uses the ES Module (ESM) system and supports asynchronous operations, making it compatible with modern JavaScript development practices.

Secure your API key

When working with the RunPod SDK, it's essential to secure your API key. Storing the API key in environment variables is recommended, as shown in the initialization example. This method keeps your key out of your source code and reduces the risk of accidental exposure.


Use environment variables or secure secrets management solutions to handle sensitive information like API keys.

For more information, see the following: