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Manage Pods


RunPod uses API Keys for all API requests. Go to Settings to manage your API keys.

GraphQL API Spec

If you need detailed queries, mutations, fields, and inputs, look at the GraphQL Spec.

Create Pods

A Pod consists of the following resources:

  • 0 or more GPUs - A pod can be started with 0 GPUs for the purposes of accessing data, though GPU-accelerated functions and web services will fail to work.
  • vCPU
  • System RAM
  • Container Disk
    • It's temporary and removed when the pod is stopped or terminated.
    • You only pay for the container disk when the pod is running.
  • Instance Volume
    • Data persists even when you reset or stop a Pod. Volume is removed when the Pod is terminated.
    • You pay for volume storage even when the Pod is stopped.
  • Global Networking

Create On-Demand Pod

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "mutation { podFindAndDeployOnDemand( input: { cloudType: ALL, gpuCount: 1, volumeInGb: 40, containerDiskInGb: 40, minVcpuCount: 2, minMemoryInGb: 15, gpuTypeId: \"NVIDIA RTX A6000\", name: \"RunPod Tensorflow\", imageName: \"runpod/tensorflow\", dockerArgs: \"\", ports: \"8888/http\", volumeMountPath: \"/workspace\", env: [{ key: \"JUPYTER_PASSWORD\", value: \"rn51hunbpgtltcpac3ol\" }] } ) { id imageName env machineId machine { podHostId } } }"}'

Create Spot Pod

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "mutation { podRentInterruptable( input: { bidPerGpu: 0.2, cloudType: SECURE, gpuCount: 1, volumeInGb: 40, containerDiskInGb: 40, minVcpuCount: 2, minMemoryInGb: 15, gpuTypeId: \"NVIDIA RTX A6000\", name: \"RunPod Pytorch\", imageName: \"runpod/pytorch\", dockerArgs: \"\", ports: \"8888/http\", volumeMountPath: \"/workspace\", env: [{ key: \"JUPYTER_PASSWORD\", value: \"vunw9ybnzqwpia2795p2\" }] } ) { id imageName env machineId machine { podHostId } } }"}'

Filter by Allowed CUDA Versions

You can pass in the allowedCudaVersions as a list of CUDA versions that you want to allow for the GPU in the pod.

This helps in specifying the compatible CUDA versions for your GPU setup.

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{
"query": "mutation { podResume( input: { podId: \"inzk6tzuz833h5\", gpuCount: 1, allowedCudaVersions: [\"12.0\", \"12.1\", \"12.2\", \"12.3\"] } ) { id desiredStatus imageName env machineId machine { podHostId } } }"

Start Pods

Start On-Demand Pod

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "mutation { podResume( input: { podId: \"inzk6tzuz833h5\", gpuCount: 1 } ) { id desiredStatus imageName env machineId machine { podHostId } } }"}'

Start Spot Pod

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "mutation { podBidResume( input: { podId: \"d62t7qg9n5vtan\", bidPerGpu: 0.2, gpuCount: 1 } ) { id desiredStatus imageName env machineId machine { podHostId } } }"}'

Filter by CUDA Version

You can pass in the allowedCudaVersions as a list of CUDA versions that you want to allow for the GPU in the pod.

This helps in specifying the compatible CUDA versions for your GPU setup.

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{
"query": "mutation { podRentInterruptable( input: { bidPerGpu: 0.2, cloudType: SECURE, gpuCount: 1, volumeInGb: 40, containerDiskInGb: 40, minVcpuCount: 2, minMemoryInGb: 15, gpuTypeId: \"NVIDIA RTX A6000\", name: \"RunPod Pytorch\", imageName: \"runpod/pytorch\", dockerArgs: \"\", ports: \"8888/http\", volumeMountPath: \"/workspace\", env: [{ key: \"JUPYTER_PASSWORD\", value: \"vunw9ybnzqwpia2795p2\" }], allowedCudaVersions: [\"12.0\", \"12.1\", \"12.2\", \"12.3\"] } ) { id imageName env machineId machine { podHostId } } }"

Stop Pods

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "mutation { podStop(input: {podId: \"riixlu8oclhp\"}) { id desiredStatus } }"}'

List Pods

List all Pods

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "query Pods { myself { pods { id name runtime { uptimeInSeconds ports { ip isIpPublic privatePort publicPort type } gpus { id gpuUtilPercent memoryUtilPercent } container { cpuPercent memoryPercent } } } } }"}'

Get Pod by ID

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "query Pod { pod(input: {podId: \"ldl1dxirsim64n\"}) { id name runtime { uptimeInSeconds ports { ip isIpPublic privatePort publicPort type } gpus { id gpuUtilPercent memoryUtilPercent } container { cpuPercent memoryPercent } } } }"}'

List GPU types

When creating a Pod, you will need to pass GPU type IDs. These queries can help find all GPU types, their IDs, and other attributes like VRAM.

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "query GpuTypes { gpuTypes { id displayName memoryInGb } }"}'

Get GPU Type by ID

curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
--data '{"query": "query GpuTypes { gpuTypes(input: {id: \"NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090\"}) { id displayName memoryInGb secureCloud communityCloud lowestPrice(input: {gpuCount: 1}) { minimumBidPrice uninterruptablePrice } } }"}'